Saturday, 29 September 2012

No Make up Make up!

Hello my little cherry blossoms!

So today I have been studying away trying to write a presentation for my Spanish class, so I haven't really bothered with any make up. However I realised I needed to grab a few things from the shops but I just couldn't be bothered to put any make up on to pull myself together. Instead I went to my trusted NO MAKE UP MAKE UP tips that I generally do when I am having a lazy day!

Instead of using mascara, grab a liquid eyeliner and run it through your lashes. If you have fair lashes this is a great way to define your eyes without overdoing it with the mascara! For me, I already have dark lashes so just a hint of definition is what I like to go for.
You can also do this before applying mascara to help thicken your lashes up, as the liquid eyeliner doesn't cause your lashes to clump up, and your mascara has something to stick to!

N.B Remember to curl those lashes before you apply in order to open up those beautiful eyes :)

I'll be writing more tips through out the week so make sure to check back for the next one!


Friday, 21 September 2012

Making a Change!

Hello my beautiful butterflies, 

I hope everyone is doing well!

So this post today is not going to be the usual fashion/beauty post that you might be used to. For a few days now I have been contemplating the idea to changing my diet and becoming vegan (well slowly transitioning that way). Since being here in Paris, I have noticed my diet has not been as great as it used to be. I mainly put this down to the stress of being in a foreign place and all I want to do is comfort myself with food that I know I like. However, I have been noticing that a full nights sleep does not seem to refresh me when I wake up and my skin is not looking as perky as it used to when I was living by the sea!
So I have put it down to my diet and I think that making small changes here and there will start to see an improvement in how I feel. I don't want to feel tired after I've eaten a meal, I want to be able to get up and go!

So here is the plan, to slowly cut out animal based products and by-products over the next few months, to see if things improve, and I am pretty sure they will. 

I know turning Vegan sounds like a scary prospect. I don't know if I'll be able to cope never eating chocolate or having butter on toast, but I am not going to become an extreme vegan. If I am craving something, like chocolate, I will eat it because I want to. If I want a huge slab of steak for dinner, then I will eat a huge slab of steak for dinner. There's no point driving yourself crazy wanting to eat something you can't and then end up giving in and eating twice as much of it!

So first, I just want to say I am not turning vegan on the idea that I am out to save the world. No. I am merely doing it to benefit myself, but if it means that it is helping the world in some small way then I guess that is ok too. 

Secondly, in my family there is a history of developing diabetes and high cholesterol, so eating more vegan friendly foods should help to combat that!

Like I said before, I am not going into this head on, I will slowly cut out things like cheese, meats and other foods (maybe not milk, I love that waaaay too much, unless I get into rice milk!). We'll see how it goes, I think I will still eat meat once a week, and the odd egg here and there too but just not as regularly as I do now!

I just thought I would share this with you guys, because I would love to hear your thoughts on Veganism and if anyone is a vegan out there, to possibly throw some hints and tips this way!


E-L xo

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Market Bargains

Bonjour, c'est moi de les rues de Paris!

So today, I stepped outside of my door to find the street lined with stalls upon stalls upon stalls of amazing goodies! I asked one of the sales people what was going on and they told me it was a bi-annual market that happens for one day around the area of Paris in which I live. So today my friend and I spent the day wandering the stalls in search of bargains, and there were many. 

The highlight of the day was my purchase of this Tibetan bracelet which I managed to snag for 10€ (about £8!).

It's a silver cuff bracelet with cone shaped spikes through the centre of it. I thought it looked really funky and unique, so of course I just had to get it!

There were lots of really interesting stalls, selling all sorts of items. My favourite was looking at the old, vintage furniture that people were selling, if only my apartment was big enough to fit it all in! 

Here are a few more snaps from the day :) Enjoy!

Embedded image permalinkAn earring almost bigger than her ear!

Embedded image permalinkA very sweet looking dog!

Embedded image permalinkEnjoying the market!

What have you been up to this weekend?


E-L xo

Friday, 14 September 2012

Louis Vuitton and Marc Jacobs

Bonjour tout le monde!

It isn't hard to recognized the iconic symbol of Louis Vuitton. 

I have just come back from the Louis Vuitton Marc Jacobs Exhibition at Les Arts Decoratifs(next to the Louvre). 

The exhibition tells the story of these two men and their fascinating contributions to the fashion world and how they worked their way into designing innovative, contemporary fashion. 
The exhibition takes you through the different pivotal periods; from industrialisation all the way through to globalisation, detailing the technological advances, creations and artistic collaborations of these two inspiring figures in fashion. 
Over a century separates Louis Vuitton from Marc Jacobs but this shows how they came together in creating excellence.

The exhibition has been running since 9 March 2012 and will end on the 16 September 2012 (only two more days!). If you are in Paris over the weekend, then I strongly suggest taking a trip to see this, it is so worth it!

Who's ready for Paris Fashion Week?! I most certainly am :)

E-L xo

Sunday, 9 September 2012

I made it!

Bonjour tout le monde! Comment etes-vous?

As you may be able to guess, I made it to Paris! Finally, after months of preparation I am here, writing to you from my little studio apartment in Paris, drinking coffee and enjoying the sounds of the French!

It was my 21st birthday on Friday (7th Sept) so I decided to spoil myself with, of course, make up! I ended up in a cute little shop, just around the corner from the Eiffel Tower selling amazing make up, perfume and bags!

And here is what I decided to buy: 

Of course, it had to be Chanel!  I love this product and have been wearing it non stop since I purchased it! It is the Chanel Illusion D'ombre Long Wear Luminous Eyeshadow in the colour 86 ÉBLOUI. The product also comes  with a small Chanel brush but I prefer to  use it with just my fingers. It is a deep cranberry shade and flatters my skin tone very well. There isn't too much sparkle in the product, but just enough to get your bobby dazzlers noticed; which is, after all, exactly what you want from a product. When it says Long lasting, it means long lasting. I spent most of today wearing it in 30 Degree (C) heat and I am still wearing it now as I post. I applied it without primer straight onto my lids and it is still here! Not a crease or sprinkle of glitter out of place. And the colour is still deep and opaque. 
This is by far one of my most favourite eyeshadows that I have ever used and recommend this to anyone and everyone! 

If you would like to see a make up look to go with this post, let me know!

I hope you are all keeping well and had a fabulously fun weekend. I am off to buy some croissants, wine and to sling a baguette over my shoulder. 

À bientôt!


E-L xo

Saturday, 1 September 2012


Hello my little beauties, I hope you are all doing well!

I am very excited to inform you all about the new items in Shop Dixi, which are an extension to their Warrior Collection. These items will be available as of Sunday 2nd September but I am lucky enough to be able to give you a sneak preview of what is in store! The new items feature a selection of limited jewellery lines and some incredible vintage pieces, all at wonderful prices. and they are of amazing quality!

Here they are:

Don't they look amazing!

And because you are my wonderful readers, you can receive FREE SHIPPING  on all orders over £15. The code you will need to enter at the checkout in order to redeem the free shipping is UPDATEMEFS .
You can get to Shop Dixi by clicking this link here --> SHOP DIXI

Make sure you get yourself over there, these precious items are something not to be missed!


E-L xo