I am in the beautiful Alassio, Italia, this month working as an Au pair for a wonderful family.
I just wanted to write a quick post as to what au paring is and what you have to do!
What is an Au pair?
An au pair is usually a domestic assistant from abroad, living and working for a host family.
What can an au pair do?
1. Help out around the house
2. Clean up toys that the children have left lying around the house
3. Cook basic meals for the children (n my case the mother usually takes care of this every time!)
What au pairs should not have to do:
1. No intense cleaning, such as clearing/sweeping out the garage- you are not being paid for manual labour!
2. No house hold maintenance
The primary responsibility of an au pair is, of course, child care. An au pair can provide up to 45 hours per week of care for the children. If the children are babies/very young, the au pair will help change nappies, give them baths and care for them. If the children are a little older, the au pair should take them to activities, play games with them and in my case, help them to learn English.
My primary role as an au pair is to help improve on the child's English as he is an Italian boy. This means constant chatting whenever you are around them and playing games that can encourage the use of English at all times.
Well, I hope this has been of some use to anyone who is thinking about wanting to get a job over the summer. Being an au pair can be a very rewarding experience and an exciting challenge as well as getting to travel abroad and learn another language!
Has anyone
E-L xo